Why Choose ESP
State-Of-The-Art Manufacturing
EverLast Synthetic Products is a leading US-based seawall supplier that has tremendous manufacturing capability. Significant capacity is required to keep up with the ongoing demand for the industry’s most technically advanced, thoroughly tested product line. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility operates 3 shifts a day, 7 days a week to facilitate orders in a timely manner.
Vinyl Sheet Piling
Our vinyl sheet pile materials use the latest Co-Extrusion Process. Impact modifiers and UV stabilizers are utilized to ensure strength and toughness for installation drivability and long-term performance. This Co-Extrusion Process allows us to ensure color consistency in your wall. The accompanying virgin cap stock is the thickest in the industry and provides additional UV protection and color consistency.
FRP Composite Sheet Piling
Our fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) composite sheet piling is manufactured using the pultrusion process. High-performance resin is reinforced with a proprietary glass matrix for unprecedented strength, performance, and longevity.
Ready When You Are!
Our manufacturing facility stocks thousands of linear feet of all of our profiles. Our robust inventory—backed by 24/7 production—allows us to deliver products to your job when you need them!
Ask An ExpertVinyl Sheet Color Options

For vinyl sheets, we currently offer the four different color options shown above.
Composite Sheet Color Options
For composite sheets, we currently offer the three different color options shown above: Medium Gray, Black, and Light Gray.
Rigorous Seawall Testing
Everlast Synthetic Products is the leader in seawall testing, offering the industry’s most technically advanced, engineered, and thoroughly tested product line. We dedicate a significant amount of company resources to ensure the profiles hold up during installation and in the harsh marine environment. Third-party testing includes tensile, flexural, impact, UV, interlock strength, soil friction interaction, and creep. Creep is very important to test in a thermoplastic and ESP is the only manufacturer with over 10,000 hours of data to ensure failure does not occur over an extended period of time.
Our investment ensures that our synthetic sheet pile product line is the most thoroughly tested product in the market. Sheet piles need to have high-impact strengths for installation and durability. Drop Dart Impact (ASTM D256-00) Testing and Izod Impact Testing (ASTMD256) are both excellent indicators of the materials’ ability to withstand the stresses endured during installation and impact loading for the structure’s service life.
Our state-of-the-art co-extruded sheet piling features “rib-less” technology and structurally enhanced corners. These sea wall testing features, supported by Finite Element Analysis and third-party testing, ensure the industry’s most advanced synthetic sheet piling.
We offer an industry-leading 2,000 hours of QUV test data to give you confidence when choosing Everlast Vinyl Sheet Piling for your seawall. We understand that your seawall is your livelihood, and that’s why we’re the industry experts on sea wall testing.
Tensile and Modulus Test
Drop Dart Test
UV Inspection Lamp testing
Creep Testing
Creep Testing
Creep testing is extremely important for vinyl manufacturers as it measures the deformation of the material under a constant load. EES has completed over 10,000 hours of creep testing utilizing ASTM D5262 and is proud to report that at 4,000 psi total strain of less than 3% are realized. Tensile tests, also known as pull tests, are performed to calculate the Modulus (E) and where the material “yields.”
These numbers are vital in determining the deflection of a particular structure, which is the single most important criterion to consider when designing with vinyl. Independent certified labs, equipped with the latest equipment and techniques, ensure that the parts perform as designed.
Ask An ExpertQuality Control/Quality Assurance
Everlast Vinyl Sheet Piling is coded, labeled, and tracked to promote accountability and quality in every bundle of Everlast Synthetic Products that we sell.
As you can see, ESP enjoys an enviable QC/QA track record. Our finished products are constantly scrutinized and tested to ensure that the industry’s most technically advanced vinyl sheet piling is also the industry’s best quality product.