Seawalls 101

Seawall Construction


Seawall construction is a fast growing industry. It’s a great way to improve residential and commercial properties that are bordered by water. Many property owners are seeing the advantages to having seawall construction done, in order to protect the environment and their own property.

One of the primary environmental concerns today is land erosion. As sea levels rise, coastal erosion increases. Awareness of this is rising on a social consciousness level, as we become more educated about the interaction of land and water on our planet. However, coastal homeowners are particularly aware of the effects of erosion. For them, it has a very direct effect on the value of their real estate. This is where seawall construction can be a very sound investment.

Why Should You Hire a Seawall Construction Contractor

The prevention of land erosion – If a property includes land that is bordered by water (whether ocean, gulf or lake), it is in your best interest to keep that border exactly where it is. However, water doesn’t always move with our best interest in mind. There is a tendency for the water to push back against the land, and over time, there is more water and less land.

This is seen more prominently in property that borders the ocean, due to the constant tidal movement. Land that lies next to any large body of water can experience this, particularly after some inclement weather causes a storm surge. Seawall construction puts a barrier in front of the land, so the movement of the water has virtually no effect.

seawall construction

The prevention of flooding – In addition to the gradual erosion of land, water can cause a much more urgent and damaging situation: flooding. After an extended period of rain, water levels can sometimes reach heights that are not commonly seen. Since these water levels are not experienced regularly, the tendency is to not be fully prepared when it happens. If the water gets higher than the land, there is obviously nothing left to stop it from coming into your home. Of course, the further away your house is from the waterline, the less likely you are to have a problem. But if the water surges sufficiently, there is really nothing to stop it from entering your home and causing untold damage.

Those homes that have seawall construction can hold out much longer before coming into contact with water, and are therefore much less likely to experience any damage. If the water does come in because of extraordinarily high sea levels, the damage can at least be minimized by providing the homeowner extra time to prepare.

Commercial Benefits from Seawall Construction

Of course, we should point out that it is not just homeowners that have concerns about keeping a clear division between water and land. Owners of commercial buildings obviously have their property’s safety in mind as well. In fact, a commercial building may be full of expensive machinery and equipment that must be kept dry, and would be difficult and/or costly to replace if the building were to experience a flood problem. In addition, flood cleanup and water removal can be a complicated process. This is not only an expensive inconvenience; it also can mean that the business is closed while the recovery process is completed, so the company experiences a loss of revenue for that period of time.

Get in touch

Whether you are ready to start seawall construction or have questions about the process, give us a call or shoot us an email. We’d be happy to discuss your particular situation with you, offer advice and resolve any concerns you may have.


We provide seawall construction products throughout the US and around the world.

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Whether you are just looking for a free project estimate, have questions about your seawall, or are looking to get started on your project we are ready to help!