Case Studies

The Case for a CASE Marine Seawall in Grasonville, MD

Seawall_Project_Jetty Restaurant_Grasonville_MD_afterA recent seawall project had us “hungry” to feature one of our key partners in the region: CASE Marine Construction & Salvage, Inc.

CASE was tasked with replacing the crumbling wooden seawall protecting The Jetty Restaurant and Dock Bar located in the town of Kent Narrows in Grasonville, MD. The popular restaurant has a great reputation for food and fun, but they needed some serious help with their dock if they intended to stay in business.

CASE Marine Construction & Salvage, Inc.

CASE Marine services the Chesapeake, Delaware Bay, and Potomac River, and has worked on many projects specifically in the area of Grasonville, MD.

The company has installed steel pilings at the new National Harbor Marina, did work at the Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens in Virginia, and also ran a project at the Hilton Garden Marina in Grasonville.

With all that experience and local knowledge, CASE was the perfect fit for the Jetty project.

Choosing the Right Seawall Materials

When it came time to decide which products to use, CASE selected our 4.1 vinyl sheet piling (4.1 specs here). Whereas marine borers, rot, and other issues led to a quick decline of the original wall, vinyl was chosen for long-term durability and aesthetic appeal.

According to Calvin Case, the founder of CASE Marine, he chose ESP materials for “the reputation of product quality and excellence.” We asked him what made him so good at what he does:

“It’s all about taking pride in your work and choosing the right products. We have found ESP to be the right blend of stiffness which makes driving sheeting a breeze. Many sheets are too flimsy and when vibrating flex too much limiting the transmission of energy to the end of the sheet. ESP is the right stiffness, allowing the sheets to drive smoothly, straight, and deep. Even in temperatures near freezing the sheets do not shatter or split, and the ESP quality shows clearly in the completed project.” -Calvin Case, Case Marine Construction & Salvage, Inc.

We are proud that we were able to supply Calvin with what he needed to install a stunning new seawall for The Jetty in Grasonville! 

Working With the Tide to Stay on Schedule

CASE completed the Jetty project right on schedule. This was despite having to deal with the ever-fluctuating weather and tide, which affected the progress of refilling the area beneath the restaurant with a sand foundation.

The failing seawall meant that high tides were wreaking havoc by eroding the sand foundation of the Jetty restaurant. Team CASE had to hydraulically pump in a full 45 truck loads of sand to stabilize the restaurant!

Memorable Results in Maryland

Asked what stood out the most to him about the project, Calvin was quick to point to the dramatic effect the new seawall had on the whole environment around the Jetty Restaurant.

In the before and after pictures below, it’s easy to get a sense what he means: the transformation is striking!

This new vinyl seawall will not only protect the Jetty Restaurant for decades to come, it will also look great while doing so.

We thank Calvin Case and the entire CASE team for their hard work and dedication to a job well done!

Everlast Seawalls is Here to Help

Whether rebuilding a wharf, improving a golf course, or protecting real estate, Everlast Seawalls has vast experience and expertise with durable seawall solutions. We are happy to answer any questions and of course our estimates are always free. Get yours today!

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Whether you are just looking for a free project estimate, have questions about your seawall, or are looking to get started on your project we are ready to help!