Vinyl Sheet Piling

Seawall Products

Why are so many people choosing vinyl sheet piling?

Vinyl sheet piling is quickly becoming the most popular product to use for the construction of bulkheads and seawalls.

Materials like wood and concrete have been widely used in the past, but their use is becoming virtually obsolete. With the advent of vinyl sheet piling, homeowners with oceanfront or lakefront properties can now rely on the newest manufacturing technology to receive the best product on the market today.

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Cost Efficiency

Vinyl is a better value. The real measure of this is not just the comparison of costs for the initial installation; you also need to figure in the costs over the long term. Since vinyl sheet piling lasts much longer than more traditional materials, the cost of repairs and replacement is delayed.

In fact, should you ever decide to sell, your buyer can rest assured that the seawall will last a very long time. That’s added value to your property.

When your seawalls are constructed with materials that are not as durable they will fail significantly sooner than our state-of-the-art solutions.

Consistent Appearance

It is well known that wood fades over time. Paint may cover that up, but the paint color will fade as well. There is really not a lot you can do about that except continue to paint in order to keep it looking nice.

Vinyl, on the other hand, holds the same beautiful appearance for a very long time.

UV Resistance

Most materials react negatively to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, and it doesn’t take very long for that to start happening. When the time period is stretched out over years, the sun can do some real damage.

Vinyl sheet piling is designed to be resistant to this, so the effects of the sun are not as serious or as quick.

Unaffected by Marine Borers

Marine borers are small mollusks or crustaceans that live in the ocean, and their primary source of sustenance is wood. If you use wood for your seawall construction, you will almost immediately have marine borers latching on and drilling into it.

This degrades the integrity and stability of the seawall over time, which defeats the whole purpose of the structure. You want your seawall to be strong enough to withstand very harsh conditions. If a marine borer comes across a seawall constructed with vinyl, it just keeps moving. Vinyl provides no attraction at all for marine borers.

Easy Installation

Vinyl sheet piling provides for an easy installation, particularly compared to wood. Wood is subject to imperfections, warping, and various deformities. This can sometimes cause problems or delays at the time of the installation. Vinyl does not have that problem.

Unlike wood, vinyl does not grow in nature; the components of a vinyl seawall are manufactured to some very strict and precise standards. There is virtually no room for error, so you are able to have a consistent product each time. This means an easy installation. For you as the homeowner, it means that the disruption on your property is finished quickly – a lot of homeowners really like that part.

Better Warranty

With all of the advantages listed above, it only makes sense that vinyl sheet piling comes with a full 50 year manufacturer’s warranty. This starts from the date of purchase.

We know vinyl will last a long time, so we back that up with a fantastic warranty. You can purchase our seawall products and have them installed by a certified dealer, and rest assured that your new seawall is covered by our lengthy warranty period.

As mentioned above, wood is now obviously obsolete. The same can now be said for aluminum, steel and concrete; each is now overshadowed by the many advantages of vinyl.

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Vinyl Profile Technical Specifications

We invite you to download our specification sheets to learn a bit more about this exciting product. Of course, we are happy to answer any specific questions you may have about the product, or whether it is the right fit for your seawall project.

Ready To Get Started?

Whether you are just looking for a free project estimate, have questions about your seawall, or are looking to get started on your project we are ready to help!